The services we offer include


The reality is that you can put off making a Will until it is too late and this poses all sorts of problems for the people left behind.

Asset Protection

Asset Protection can also provide an effective means to protect your assets against a number of other potential risks.


We can provide a Fixed Fee Probate Service, which is quoted in advance of any work being undertaken.

Lasting Powers of Attorney

There may come a time in your life when you are unable to manage your financial affairs or personal welfare.

Deed of Variation

A Deed of Variation changes a Will after death and enables the beneficiaries of the deceased’s estate to alter its distribution.

Environmentally Friendly Plan

A natural funeral taking comfort in the knowledge that every aspect has been carefully considered to minimise its impact on the environment.


The reality is that you can put off making a Will until it is too late and this poses all sorts of problems for the people left behind.

Asset Protection

Trusts can also provide an effective means to protect your assets against a number of other potential risks.


We can provide a Fixed Fee Probate Service, which is quoted in advance of any work being undertaken.

Powers of Attorney

There may come a time in your life when you are unable to manage your financial affairs or personal welfare.

Deed of Variation

A Deed of Variation changes a Will after death and enables the beneficiaries of the deceased’s estate to alter its distribution.

Environmentally Friendly Plan

A natural funeral taking comfort in the knowledge that every aspect has been carefully considered to minimise its impact on the environment.

Get in touch

For any enquiries or guidance towards which option would be best please contact our team.