What Music Is Played At Funerals?

Everyone has a song that means something to them. As the belief of what a funeral is has begun to change, the music we play at ceremonies is expanding to fit. Everyone has different taste and so the most requested songs range through a variety of genres. According to Co-op funeralcare’s bi-annual funeral music charts, [...]

2024-10-04T13:52:58+00:00October 11th, 2018|

Are the UK not planning funerals?

ITV’s Tonight released the documentary, ‘Funerals: A Costly Undertaking?’ on 3rd November. The programme uncovered some interesting insights towards the funeral industry and the British public’s thoughts on funerals. ITV’s approach was largely preoccupied with the negative, as the National Association of Funeral Directors remark, “the case studies focused solely on families who, for various reasons, [...]

2018-10-23T13:50:45+00:00October 11th, 2018|
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